Tuesday, January 24, 2023

End products of protein metabolism

 End products of protein metabolism

The nitrogen released from amino acid (protein) catabolism is excreted from the body in forms which vary in different species of animals. The considerable amount of nitrogen excreted through the urine is urea.. The human also excretes nitrogen of purine bases as uric acid. Creatine excretion is exclusively from tissue protein breakdown. Neutral sulphur excretion does not indicate the nature of dietary or tissue protein breakdown.

Due to dynamic state of amino nitrogen of amino acid and differential pattern of metabolism of labile protein, the excretion of different nitrogenous metabolic end products does not always give real metabolic picture of protein metabolism. Increased creatine excretion may indicate increased tissue protein break down, i.e. specially muscle protein catabolism going on. Increased uric acid excretion may be due to increased purine catabolism. Increased urea excretion may indicate increased dietary protein catabolism.

End products of exogenous protein metabolism

The end products of exogenous protein metabolism are urea, ammonia, inorganic sulphate and 50% of the total uric acid excreted.

End products of endogenous protein metabolism

Creatinine and neutral sulphur remain absolutely unchanged. So they are solely of endogenous origin. In this connection, the compound creatine, but when present in urine, should be regarded as derived from endogenous protein metabolism, because it is the precursor of creatinine. Thus these compounds are wholly endogenous. Half of uric acid is of endogenous origin and the other half is of exogenous origin.

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