Factors affecting Carbohydrate Metabolism
of Endocrines on Carbohydrate Metabolism
Glucose level of blood
at any given time is always determined by the balance between the amount of
glucose entering the blood stream and the amount leaving it. Liver takes an important
part by allowing net uptake of glucose when the blood glucose is high and by
allowing net release of glucose when the glucose level is low. Liver thus plays
as a glucostat in maintaining a constant circulating glucose level by the
relative activities of the above processes. These processes are not automatic
but are controlled by different hormones. A brief description is given below-
Insulin- Insulin increases the utilization of glucose by
most tissues. The most important effect of insulin is to increase the rate of
glycogen formation. Insulin is secreted from the β- cells of the islets of
Langerhans of pancreas. Degree of insulin activity and the actual production of
insulin by the β-cells of the pancreatic islets are affected by the level of
blood sugar. Hyperglycemia stimulates the pancreas to produce the increased
quantity of insulin and if the hyperglycemia is maintained for a longer period
then the permanent damage to the β-cells may ensue and thus permanent diabetes
prevails. But it is difficult to ascertain that the hypoglycemia leads to
decrease in insulin secretion in same level. Because during such state
adrenaline is secreted and this hormone thus masks the effect of insulin on
liver glycogen.
There are other factors
which either suppress the production of insulin or may render its action less
effective. Growth hormone, Glucocorticoids (cortisone and hydrocortisone) and
also thyroxin act in such process. Growth hormone and Glucocorticoids inhibit Phosphorylation
of glucose by affecting hexokinase activity. These two hormones have got no
action on the entry of glucose into the cells. Glucagon, the α-cell hormone of
pancreatic islets and also of gastro intestinal tract seems to counteract the
insulin by exhaustion atrophy of β-cells.
The insulin is mostly
concerned with the utilization of glucose by the tissues and this involves the Phosphorylation
in which the chain of conversions of glucose and its combination is controlled
by a series of enzymes of which hexokinase is an important one. Insulin
stimulates the catalytic action of hexokinase.
Insulin increases the
glycogen synthetase activity in muscle. Blood sugar is converted to fatty acids
and eventually deposited in the fat depots by insulin in greater quantity than
that which is turned into tissue glycogen. Insulin increases the conversion of
sugar to fatty acids.
Furthermore, formation
of liver glycogen is quantitatively higher than the formation of tissue
Glucagon-Glucagon is also known as hyperglycaemic-glycogenolytic
factor (HGF). Main effect of glucagon on carbohydrate metabolism is to increase
the breakdown of liver glycogen to glucose and hence hyperglycemia. It does not
cause the breakdown of muscle glycogen. Glucagon is secreted from the α-cells of
the islets of Langerhans of pancreas as also walls of the duodenum and stomach.
Glucagon raises the blood glucose level by stimulating the adenyl cyclase in
the liver leading to the formation of cyclic AMP that activates the
Glucagon has got no
effect on muscle phosphorylase. Due to action of glucagon on adenyl cyclase,
cyclic AMP is formed from ATP. The cyclic AMP thus activates the Phosphorylation
process of liver glycogen and thus glucose is formed.
Besides this, glucagon
also stimulates the process of Gluconeogenesis from available amino acids in
the liver. Thus increased activity of glucagon increases the blood glucose
level which may indirectly stimulate the β-cell activity for the production of
excess insulin. β-cells may become damaged due to prolonged glucagon activity
Growth hormone - Growth hormone opposes the hexokinase
mechanism, so that the Phosphorylation of glucose is depressed causing hyperglycemia.
This hyperglycemia causes secretion of insulin from the β-cells. Prolonged
effect of growth hormone may eventually exhaust the β-cells but α-cells remain
Epinephrine-Epinephrine or adrenalin increases the
blood sugar level in three ways: (1) by mobilizing the carbohydrate stores of
the liver; (2) by indirect formation of glucose from muscle glycogen: (3) by
excessive formation of Glucocorticoids indirectly through liberation of ACTH.
Posterior pituitary hormones-Large doses of
vasopressin and oxytocin raise the blood sugar level temporarily.
Thyroid hormones- Thyroid hormones increase the glucose
absorption from the intestine. The hormone also depletes some liver glycogen.
Anterior pituitary hormones-The anterior pituitary hormones
ACTH and TSH may have some indirect role on the glucose metabolism through
acting on the respective target organs.
Prolactin- Prolactin has got some anti-insulin
effect. It reduces the sensitivity of cell to insulin.
Sex hormones-Female sex hormones- oestrone and
oestradiol act by stimulating the secretion of insulin. Male sex hormones,
testosterone acts opposite.
of Vitamins in Carbohydrate Metabolism
Thiamine (vitamin B₁) - Thiamine acts as a coenzyme of the carboxylase
which helps in oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid. It has a potential
role in the oxidation of sugar in tissues including brain. In the tissues
thiamine exists as thiamine pyrophosphate ester and helps in decarboxylation of
α-ketonic acid as a coenzyme.
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)- Since
riboflavin is related with tissue oxidation, so it takes part in carbohydrate
metabolism. In the tissues this vitamin exists as FMN and FAD. These two
coenzymes in combination with apoenzyme play a great role in a number of enzyme
Nicotinic acid (Niacin) - It remains as a prosthetic group
of two enzymes. NAD and NADP, and takes part in tissue oxidation. Niacin helps
in the formation of fats from carbohydrates.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) -
Since pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A, so it takes part in
carbohydrate metabolism.
Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) -
This vitamin acts as a cofactor (cobamide) for the enzyme methyl malonyl CoA
isomerase which is concerned for the conversion of methyl malonyl CoA to
succinyl CoA or succinyl CoA to methyl malonyl CoA. Thus this vitamin is
essential in the biochemical conversion of carbohydrate to fat or fat to
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)- Ascorbic acid takes part in the
tissue oxidation probably by acting as hydrogen-carrier.
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