Saturday, January 21, 2023

Role of Endocrines on Fat Metabolism

 Role of Endocrines on Fat Metabolism

Certain endocrine factors influence fat metabolism. They are as follows-

1. Anterior pituitary.

(a) Hypo function of anterior pituitary is associated with unusual deposition of fat.

(b) The growth or somatotrophic hormone (STH) of anterior pituitary mobilizes fat from depots and increases production of ketone bodies in the liver.

(c) ACTH exerts a direct action on adipose tissue increasing lipolysis and mobilization of unsaturated fatty acids into the blood plasma. There is increase ketogenesis and decrease in R.Q., similar to the effect of STH.

2. Insulin. Insulin helps complete combustion of fatty acids, probably through its indirect influence on carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin helps in the formation of fat (lipogenesis) from glucose and deposition in adipose tissue. Insulin decreases cholesteremia and lipaemia. It prevents breakdown of fat in the adipose tissue.

3. Adrenal cortex. Glucocorticoids of adrenal cortex help fat metabolism in a number of ways:

(a) through its influence on sterol metabolism.

(b) through its probable influence on Phosphorylation.

(c) through its effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

(d) Cortisol helps in the redistribution of fat in the body. Increased deposits of fats occur in the trunk when there is excessive secretion of Cortisol.

4. Thyroid. Thyroxin stimulates the oxidation of fats, proteins and carbohydrate.

5. Adrenaline (Epinephrine). It stimulates mobilization of unesterified fatty acids from adipose tissue. The presence of ACTH and thyroid hormones is necessary for this action. There is associated increase in liver lipids and in ketogenesis.

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