Thursday, January 12, 2023

Water as part of diet

Water as part of diet


Fluid or water balance is an aspect of the homeostasis of organisms in which the amount of water in the organism needs to be controlled via  osmoregulation and behavior, such that the concentrations of electrolytes in the various body fluids are kept within healthy ranges.

Water is necessary for all life on Earth. Humans can survive for 4 to 6 weeks without food but only for a few days without water. Fluid can enter or leave the body in many ways. Fluid can enter the body as preformed water, ingested food and drink and to a lesser extent as metabolic water which is produced as a by-product of aerobic respiration (cellular respiration) and dehydration synthesis.

The basic principle of fluid balance is that the amount of water lost from the body must equal the amount of water taken in; for example, in humans, the output via  respiration, perspirationurinationdefecation, and expectoration must equal the input via  eating and drinking, or by parenteral intake. 

This simplest hydrogen chalcogenide is described as the universal solvent for its ability to dissolve many substances. Water as found in nature almost always includes various dissolved substances.

Body fluid volume types- These are three

·        Euvolemia is the state of normal body fluid volume

·        hypovolemia is low fluid volume  

·        hypervolemia is high fluid volume

Euvolemia includes the following volumes- 

·        Blood volume 

·        Interstitial fluid volume

·         Intracellular fluid  volume 


Water is actually a polymer of H₂O. Water and oxidane, are two official names for the chemical compound H2O.Water is the main constituent of earth's hydrosphere  and the fluids of all known living organisms in which it acts as a solvent. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients. Each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, connected by covalent bonds. The hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom at an angle of 104.45°. Water is the name of the liquid state of H2O at standard conditions for temperature and pressure.


·         polar inorganic compound

·         Liquid at room temperature

·        tasteless  

·        odorless 

·        nearly colorless with a hint of blue

·        The boiling point of water- 100°C

·        freezing point- 0°C  

·        critical temperature of water- 365°C


Water is the only common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas in normal terrestrial conditions.

·        Water is the liquid state of H2O

·        solid state is ice (H2O)4

·        gaseous state is water vapor or steam (H2O)3

The addition or removal of heat can cause state transitionsfreezing (water to ice),  melting (ice to water),vaporization(water to vapor), condensation (vapor to water), sublimation (ice to vapor) and deposition (vapor to ice).

Formulae of Water


Chemical Formula





Gas (Water Vapors)


Distribution of water in the body

Total water content is 60%to 70% of the adult body weight, i.e., 45-49 liters, females having somewhat lower values than males. The total body water is distributed throughout body in two main compartments-

1. Intracellular- approximately 50% of the body weight (39 liters)

2. Extracellular- 20% of the body weight (14 liters) of which 3 liters in plasma and 11 liters in interstitial fluid and lymph

The extracellular component is more heterogeneous and is subdivided into four subcomponent-

Sub component

Percentage of water

1. Blood plasma, body water


1.     Interstitial fluid and lymph


3. Dense connective tissue, cartilage, bones



4. Transcellular fluid such as aqueous and vitreous humor, cerebrospinal fluid, endolymph, per lymph, etc


Water content in various tissues

The water content of the tissues varies from time to time according to the loss and supply of water and the degree of physical activity. The percentages of water in various tissues are as follows:











connective tissues




grey matter


white matter


adipose tissue




bones without marrow


cerebrospinal fluid


Body water states

The body water remains in two states-

(a) Water in Free state-found not combined with anything. Most of the body water remains in this form. Various substances can remain dissolved in this water and be removed by ultra filtration.

(b) Bound water- This is a very small quantity. In this form water remains combined with the colloids and other substances

Sources of water in the body

The water content of the body is derived from two sources-

(a) Exogenous water which is obtained from food and drinks.

(b) Endogenous water as end product of metabolism.

Endogenous Water (Metabolic Water)

This type of water is produced during various reactions of metabolism. Almost the whole of H+ of solid food is converted into water, only about 3 gm of H+ being excreted in the form of ammonia, urea, etc. Different foods produce different quantities of water. Approximate figures are given below per 100 gm –


107 gm water


55 gm water


41 gm water


117 gm water

Functions of Water

Some of the important physiological functions of water are summarized below-

1. Essential constituent of living cell- No living thing can live without water.

2. Solvent action-By its solvent action it forms a great number of crystalloidal and colloidal solutions and thus serves as a universal medium in which the intracellular and extracellular chemical reactions take place.

3. Medium for various physical processes-It acts as a medium for various physical processes, such as osmosis, diffusion, filtration, etc.

4. Hydrolysis- It is an important chemical process involved in digestion and metabolism. In this process the H and OH ions of water are introduced into bigger molecules and these are broken down into smaller units.

5. Dehydration and condensation In these processes water molecule is removed. This takes place in certain synthetic processes in which bigger particles are formed by the union of smaller ones. This action is the reverse of hydrolysis.

6. Ionizing medium. Water is a very good ionizing medium. Its dielectric constant of water is very high, so oppositely charged ions can co exist in water without much interference.

7. Vehicle for various physiological processes- It acts as a vehicle for various physiological processes, such as

(a) for absorption of food material from the intestine

(b) for re absorption from kidney tubules

(c) for the transport of the various food stuffs from place to place

(d) for the drainage and excretion of the end products of metabolism

(e) for the manufacture of various secretions, such as, digestive juices, etc

(f) for carrying the hormones to their places of activity

(g) The physical and chemical properties of water permit chemical reactions requiring large amounts of heat to take place at a low body temperature

8. Heat regulation. Body temperature is regulated by water in the following ways-

(a) Heat absorption- Due to high specific heat of water more heat is required to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water through 1°Cthen most of known solids and liquids. By virtue of this property water can absorb large quantity of heat.

(b) Heat conduction and distribution-Heat conducting power of water being very high it acts as a very good agent in carrying away heat from the site of production and distributing it throughout the body. By the two above properties, water acts as an important heat-buffer.

(c) Heat loss-Water helps heat loss through urine and stool and by evaporation from skin, lungs, etc. Water has got the highest latent heat of evaporation. By the help of these properties water takes an important part in regulating body heat.

9. Lubricant action- Water acts as a lubricant to prevent friction and drying. In joints, pleura, peritoneum, conjunctiva, etc., the aqueous solution is practically free from fats and acts as a lubricant against rubbing and drying.

10. Refractive medium- The aqueous humor helps to keep up the shape and tension of the eye ball and acts as a refractive medium for light.

11, Mechanical action- The cerebrospinal fluid which contains99% water acts as a great mechanical buffer preventing injury to nearly all the nervous system.

12. Respiratory function- Although CO2, and O2, are only slightly soluble in water, yet this little solubility is of immense importance for the gaseous exchange in the tissues and lungs.

Water Balance in the Body

Water is continuously being supplied and lost from the body. But still the total water content of the body is kept more or less constant, by maintaining a balance between supply and loss.

The law of water balance states that the inflows to any water system or area are or should be equal to its outflows plus change in storage during a time interval. This is controlled by various hormones and enzymes as well as thirst mechanism in our body.

The total water requirement of an adult, under ordinary conditions, is about 2,500-3,000 ml, i.e. about 1 ml per calorie of food intake. Half of this quantity (i.e., about 1,500 ml or half ml per calorie) should be taken as free drinks.

Water Balance

Water Intake

Water out put

Drinking water or fluids

1450 ml



1500 ml


Solid Food

800 ml



600 ml


350 ml



400 ml




100 ml



2600 ml


2600 ml

Positive water balance

Water balance is said to be positive when water intake exceeds loss under the following conditions-

(1) Growing infants and children

(2) Convalescents

(3) Athletes

(4) Pregnancy

(5)When diet is changed from high fat to high carbohydrate, water retention takes place and the balance becomes positive

(6) When persons are storing water and building their body tissues. Each gram of protein is deposited with about 3 gm of normal water. Fat and glycogen are deposited with less amount of water.

Negative water balance

Water balance is said to be negative when water loss exceeds intake under the following conditions:

(1) When the person is thirsty

(2) When a pre-existing edema is clearing up due to diuresis

(3) When diet is changed from high carbohydrate to high fat

In any condition of increased water loss, the relative proportion of Na and K content of the fluid excretion will indicate whether the water is coming chiefly from the extracellular or intracellular sources. High Na content will indicate extracellular source, whereas high K content will indicate intracellular source, provided intake remains constant.

Drinking water

Drinking water is exogenous water that is used to drink or food preparation. Potable water is water that is safe to be used as drinking water. The amount of drinking water required to maintain good health varies, and depends on following factors-

·        physical activity level

·        age

·        health-related issues

·        environmental conditions

The amount of drinking water required per day is variable and may be individual. The common advice of drinking 6 or 8 glasses of water or 5 liters per day has no scientific basis.

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